The faucet may seem like a strictly functional item, but it can add infinite style to your bathroom. Plus, its one of the most often-used items in your bathroom, and it has high visibility.
This Old House has a great step-by-step tutorial on replacing your bathroom faucet. According to them, the project should take 2 hours with a budget of $175 to $500 (depending on the faucet). The 2 hours seems a bit conservative to me, but then I've always been handier with electrical updates than with plumbing. As for the budget, you can get the beauty shown above for a cool $100.10 on www.cabinetknob.com. Factor in the free shipping, and this is a great economical upgrade to any home.
The faucet shown is what's called "wide spread." If the holes for your faucet are 8" apart (center to center), this is the style to buy. If your current faucet is all in one piece and the handles are 4" apart (center-to-center), you want what's called a "centerset" faucet. We have two great wide spread styles available, as well as an elegant centerset faucet.
If you've got a little more time and money to spend on your bathroom remodel, take a look at our furniture style bathroom vanities. Talk about adding style!
The other day, I replaced my bathroom faucets because they were really old. I bought a new ones in Roca since I like their quality and style.